Agilent / Keysight / HP 83620A Synthesized Sweeper with +13 dBm maximum power
83620BSynthesized Swept-Signal Generator with +13 dBm output power
83622AAgilent / Keysight / HP 83622A Synthesized Sweeper with +13 dBm output power
83622BAgilent/Keysight/HP 83622B Synthesized Swept-Signal Generator with +13 dBm output power
83623AAgilent/Keysight/HP 83623A Synthesized Sweeper with +17 dBm output power
83623BAgilent/Keysight/HP 83623B High Power Swept-Signal Generator with 1 Hz resolution
83623LSynthesized Swept-CW Generator Agilent / Keysight / HP with +15 dBm maximum output power
83624ASynthesized Sweeper with 2 to 20 GHz frequency range
High Power Swept-Signal Generator Agilent / Keysight / HP with 2 to 20 GHz frequency range
83630BSynthesized Swept-Signal Generator with +13 dBm maximum output power
83630L83630L Synthesized Swept-CW Generator Agilent/Keysight/HP with 10 MHz to 26.5 GHz frequency range
83640A83640A Synthesized Sweeper Agilent/Keysight/HP with +6 dBm output power maximum
83640B83640B Synthesized Swept-Signal Generator Agilent/Keysight/HP with +10 dBm output power maximum
83640L83640L Synthesized Swept-CW Generator Agilent/Keysight/HP with 10 MHz to 40 GHz frequency range
83650A83650A Synthesized Sweeper Agilent/Keysight/HP with (50 GHz at 10 KHz): -68 dBc phase noise
83650B83650B Synthesized Swept-Signal Generator Agilent/Keysight/HP with 0.01 - 50 GHz frequency range
83650LSynthesized Swept-CW Generator Agilent/Keysight/HP 83650L with